pirmdiena, 2007. gada 29. oktobris

The world's most famous testament behind the scenes

Alfred Nobel was Swedish scientist, chemist, engineer, inventor, author and pacifist. He invented dynamite and all incomes according to his last will on 1895 were endowed to award those people whose work most benefited humanity. Nobel prize is awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and for peace. Nobel prize includes a medal, personal diploma and a cash award that has now reached 10 million Swedish crowns (SEK), about $ 1.6 million.

The Nobel prize in literature has been awarded to 104 persons since 1901.
Every year in autumn the world waits for The Swedish Academy report concerning Nobel Prize. On 11th October decision of The Swedish Academy was posted - British writer Doris Lessing won the 2007 Nobel prize in literature. She was described as "that epicist of the female experience, who with scepticism, fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilisation to scrutiny".
Nevertheless many people wonder a little about The Swedish Academy's choice saying that her works (she has written about 80 books) have not deserved the most honoured and prestigious prize in the world. But there have always been subjective and contradictious opinions.

For example, year 1974 The Swedish Academy received hard criticism because of choosing tho Swedish writers who got the prize.
During those 106 years Sweden has got 6 Nobel prizes in literature (in comparison - the whole South America has got 7, Africa - 4, Asia - 4, Australia - 1 Nobel prize in literature) and 5 of those winners had been in The Swedish Academy themselves.
After scandal year 1974 Sweden has not got the Nobel prize in literature.

Other interesting case concerns 2 greatest existentialism writers Albert Camus and Jean Paul Sartre that both has awarded with Nobel prize.
Year 1964 Sartre won the prize and declined it saying that he always refused official distinctions and did not want to be "institutionalised". But many assume that the answer was hiding on year 1957. Than Nobel prize in literature won his "eternal competitor" Albert Camus and this "bitter taste of defeat" has never left Sartre.

For the present no one from Latvia has won Nobel prize. The problem is that author must be translated into Swedish and evaluating literature is hard and contradictious. Besides almost everyone can read and express opinion and agreement or disagreement with choice of The Swedish Academy. Maybe that is the reason why literature prize is being spoken about and discussed the most.


pokers teica...

Ļoti interesanti :)

Anonīms teica...

interesantas domas :)

kļūdas būvniecībā teica...

der aizdomāties :)

lego teica...

Labs raksts! Tiešām!

naudas aizdevums - via sms teica...

Tumši, ļoti tumši....

apdrošināšana teica...

Nevajag varbūt uz visu skatīties tikai melnās un baltās krāsās???

Normis teica...

Es domāju, ka mazāk vajag dirst, jo īstie džeki ar apdrošināšanām neķēpājās. ...

220 teica...

Labi jums te tie komenti :D

biznesam teica...

Kam krāsaina, kam melnbalta tā pasaule :)

https://www.tulikivi.lv/ teica...

Brīnišķīgs raksts! Ļoti dziļas domas!